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electronic drawing中文是什么意思

用"electronic drawing"造句"electronic drawing"怎么读"electronic drawing" in a sentence


  • 电子图


  • Use cards or directly to the copy machine , the bottom is the new wave of electronic drawings opened 100mb
  • ( 4 ) research on detail electronic draws on digit signal and analog signal . ( 5 ) research and designed the upstream watch system , monitors the input and output data of system
    ( 5 )设计can车辆网络的上位机监控系统,对整个系统的数据发送和仪表状态进行监控和测试。
  • During the development of the electronic drawing system , i employed microsoft corp . visual source safe to manage source code , whitch isis an advanced source code control toot
  • ( 2 ) deeply research can protocal , do the hardware design of the system in detail , and design other interface electronic draws ( 3 ) based on can capacity node , program the soft design on every node
    ( 3 )根据智能节点的硬件设计,利用高级语言c51编写通信协议程序,完成各节点的软件设计。 ( 4 )详细设计并分析了can总线系统各个接口电路,包括模拟量和开关量的输入输出。
  • The design concept , system composition , system structure and software main feature of electronic drawing files network management system were introduced so as to comprehensively use the network resources and enhance the level of project files management of the exploration design units for reference
用"electronic drawing"造句  
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